Make strategic talent decisions with Talogy Caliper™

Make strategic talent decisions with Talogy Caliper™

Predict potential and drive performance for individuals, teams, and your organization using the Talogy Caliper personality assessment, previously known as Caliper Profile.

Talk to a Talogy Caliper expert today and start making talent management decisions that are best for your organization.

What is a Caliper assessment?

Talogy’s Caliper assessment, formerly known as the Caliper Profile, is a talent assessment driven by data and analytics, using personality and cognitive ability items to measure talent effectiveness and predict future job performance.

Why the Caliper personality assessment?

The Caliper assessment provides valuable insights into an individual’s character, personality traits, and motivations that influence them at work.

Here’s why organizations should consider Caliper testing:

  • Understand your organization strengths and gaps
  • Hire the right professionals and leaders
  • Unlock valuable insights for succession planning
  • Evaluate your leadership bench strength
  • Identify high potential employees
  • Develop your teams and future leaders for long-term effectiveness
  • Facilitate successful career pathing
  • Increase employee retention

During the hiring process, Caliper personality tests can help employers anticipate a candidate’s future job performance, potential for leadership development, and more. After hiring the right employees, the Caliper assessment adds great value in understanding your workforce’s strengths, potential, and development opportunities.

Talk to us now
talogy caliper assessment model onboard develop promote hire

Talogy Caliper™ helped me determine what a Marlin top sales rep looks like, and since we began hiring from that model, our turnover has dropped from nearly 50% to 16%.

Ed Siciliano

Chief Sales Officer, Marlin Leasing

Drive performance with Talogy Caliper assessments

Transform your hiring or talent development processes by utilizing a scientifically validated, data-driven personality assessment to predict potential and drive organizational success. Boost your Caliper assessment effectiveness even further by adding these powerful add-ons:

    Extended reporting suite

    Move beyond the standard reporting through a range of robust, deep-dive reports for effective selection and team development.

    Talent analytics

    Use the Caliper assessment to identify trends and spikes in your talent data, and then create a subsequent data-informed strategy.

    Debrief consultations

    Run expert-led conversations with pre- and post-hire job candidates to help them convert insights from testing into development actions.

    360 feedback

    Use 360 feedback leveraging competencies from the Caliper personality test to identify an individual’s strengths and growth areas for a powerful kick-start to sustainable employee development.


    Create in-house Caliper assessment experts to effectively drive talent management decisions in your organization.


Unrivaled excellence in personality assessments

Actionable insights

The Caliper assessment leverages psychology to reveal insights about an individual’s personality characteristics.

Comprehensive analysis

Identify candidates with a strong fit who possess competencies and behaviors that are closely aligned with high job performance.

Trusted by employers

For more than 60 years, employers have relied on the Caliper assessment to make smart hiring and development decisions with long-term benefits.

Leverage the power of objective data through Caliper personality assessments

From succession planning and building effective teams to selection and development for critical roles, Talogy Caliper assessments makes it easy to truly understand your people.

With this comprehensive evaluation fueled by data and analytics, you get to truly learn about the strengths and skill gaps of your employees, teams, and even entire business units. Trust Talogy Caliper ™ to guide your talent management strategy with insight, precision, and the assurance that you’re making the right decisions.

Talk to us now
headshot of a man with black glasses and a blue button down shirt smiling at the camera

Before we used Caliper [assessments], hiring was hit and miss, but now we have a scientific approach. Because of that, we have seen our turnover decrease by over 50%.

Kevin Obarski

Global Sales, TransPerfect Translations

Uniquely Caliper™

Unlock your team’s potential using the Caliper assessment

The Talogy Caliper personality assessment, previously known as Caliper Profile, uses unique ways of data presentation to make hiring and development decisions easier and unlock benefits like:

  • Powerful talent analytics for strategic, data-based talent decision-making
  • Role-specific output through research-based job models
  • A wide library of in-depth reports to help you truly understand participants
  • Guidance throughout the talent lifecycle, with powerful reports and expert-led debrief consultations
  • A comprehensive job model library

    Our wide range of research- and competency-based success profiles allow you to focus on essential success criteria for a particular role (such as sales or management) or specific industry verticals (like insurance and finance). All job models are rooted in the Talogy Caliper™ competency framework and can be selected as the basis for your reporting, so you can quickly see how participants stack up against the ideal success profile.

    screenshot on a laptop screen of the talogy caliper assessment

More on Caliper assessments

How does the Caliper assessment work?

The Caliper assessment evaluates an individual’s personality, behavioral patterns, and motivations to gauge their professional performance. Through 98 targeted questions, it examines personality traits plus key competencies including cognitive skills, problem-solving capabilities, communication, service focus, relationship building, teamwork, and leadership maturity.

How is the Caliper assessment different from other personality tests?

The Caliper assessment stands out from other personality tests because it is uniquely designed for business use and offers greater predictive accuracy versus resume screening alone. With less potential for bias, the Caliper personality assessment has been a trusted tool used by employers for more than 50 years.

Who should take the Caliper assessment?

Talogy Caliper™ is a complete talent assessment solution that allows organizations to take a deep dive into their people – from applicants and employees, to wider teams and the overall organization.

How long does the Caliper assessment take to complete?

The Caliper assessment has no set time limit, but it typically takes about one hour to complete. More or less time may be necessary depending on the individual applicant.

Can the Caliper assessment be customized for specific job roles?

Employers can customize the Talogy Caliper assessment for specific job roles by selecting an applicable job model to compare prospective hires. If the existing models are not a good fit, our experts can create a custom job model tailored to the specific role.

What kind of reports do we get from the Talogy Caliper assessment?

The Talogy Caliper assessment offers reports for selection, coaching, and individual development.

  • Selection reports focus on how well a candidate aligns with the position they are being considered for.
  • Coaching reports identify areas for improvement, including additional training and/or preparation for future responsibilities.
  • Individual development guides, typically provided to current employees by their manager, highlight ways employees can be more proactive while fostering better communication with management.
How does Talogy ensure the accuracy of Caliper assessments?

Talogy ensures the accuracy and relevance of Caliper assessments through ongoing validation and reliability studies. This analysis prioritizes the predictiveness of each test, enhancing its reliability.

Can we use the Caliper assessment for team development?

Caliper assessments can be valuable for team development, as they are designed to provide essential information about people’s ability to work in a team, including their motivators and competencies. This information helps employers determine if the team is missing any essential competencies to be fully effective.