Press Release

Talogy to present research findings at 2024 SIOP Conference

Experts from Talogy, a leading talent management solution provider, will present their findings at The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists’ (SIOP) annual conference happening April 17-20 in Chicago. Their presentations and panel discussions will cover a wide range of topics, including 360 feedback, identifying destructive and proactive leadership traits, innovations in personality assessment, and more.

Of the 19 topics being presented, a few session titles include:

  • New Innovations and Advancements in Personality Assessment
  • Breaking Barriers: Tackling Gender Differences in Selection
  • Ageism Across the Employee Lifecycle: Age-Old Problems, Contemporary Solutions
  • Alpha to Omega: Thoughtful Engagement Through the Leader Lifecycle

“It’s exciting to see the Talogy team representing so prominently at the conference,” said Ted Kinney, Ph.D., Vice President of Research and Development at Talogy. “The diversity of thought and breadth of expertise will address important topics, ranging from implementation best practices alongside our client partners, to outcomes of our R&D innovation projects.”

With the increased focus on talent management analytics, there will be an increase in discussions surrounding these topics over the next several months. Following the conference, Talogy’s blog will feature roundups of the presentations as well as other relevant themes.

Thursday, April 18

You Thought Relationships Were Hard…Have You Tried Sharing Organizational Data?
Presenter: Nataliya Baytalskaya | 8:00 AM, Swissotel Vevey 3/4
In the realm of I-O psychology, a persistent challenge lies in the scientist–practitioner gap. This session introduces an ongoing pilot study—a unique program fostering collaboration and data sharing to bridge this divide. During this session, authors provide insights into the current status of the pilot program, the challenges encountered, and valuable subject matter expert (SME) perspectives aimed at reducing future hurdles. The goal is to magnify the research impact and practical application of the field, aligning with SIOP’s strategic vision for I-O psychology’s full potential.

Multi-Objective Optimization 5.0: Applications in the Workplace
Presenter: Dawn Lambert | 8:00 AM, Hyatt Grand Hall J

Multi-objective optimization (MOO; a.k.a., Pareto optimization) enables organizations to simultaneously optimize multiple goals, such as addressing adverse impact in personnel selection. Recent years have seen rapid development of its research and application in the workplace. This symposium is the 5th installment of the annual SIOP symposium on the theme of MOO and will showcase recent developments in research and practice. Aimed at both researchers and practitioners, the presentations will provide guidance for applications and offer directions for future research.

Ageism Across the Employee Lifecycle: Age-Old Problems, Contemporary Solutions
Presenter: Kim Silva | 8:00 AM, Swissotel Zurich AB

Our workforce is getting older. More than ever, people are choosing to extend their careers and work well into older age. However, discrimination and outdated beliefs threaten their ability to remain in the labor force. This panel will address challenges faced by older individuals at different stages in the employee lifecycle, focusing on job search, screening, hiring, day-to-day work, and retirement. The panel will then discuss how to approach ageism in the workplace and how organizations can better support their people.

The Longitudinal Impact of STEM Shock Experiences on STEM Career Outcomes
Presenter: Ashley Rittmayer Hanks | 9:00 AM, Hyatt Exhibit Hall

Ensuring workforce readiness, particularly for STEM roles, is a key national priority in the United States (Okrent & Burke, 2021). In this 11-year longitudinal study, researchers examined the relationship between discouraging shock events (Lee & Mitchell, 1994) experienced by STEM-interested college students and their postgraduation career outcomes (i.e., STEM degree attainment and employment in a STEM role; n = 91). Both the direct effect of shocks on career outcomes as well as the moderating effect of 2 key motivational factors were explored. Findings and implications are discussed.

Ethical AI-Based Assessment in Practice
Presenter: John Weiner | 9:00 AM, Swissotel Vevey 3/4

As use of artificial intelligence (AI) increases, so have ethical concerns with AI in work, learning, and daily life, including assessment. Various ethical frameworks have been developed by a range of organizations, and these are generally consistent; however, there is an absence of best practices defining how to implement and demonstrate adherence to these frameworks. This session explores considerations and challenges in operationalizing ethical use of AI-based assessment.

Validity Transportability Today: Same Issues, Different Day?
Presenter: Joseph Abraham | 1:00 PM, Hyatt Grand Hall K

The Uniform Guidelines allow for validity evidence from a test used in 1 job to be transported to another if there is sufficient similarity between the 2. The Principles and Standards also support transporting validity evidence in this way but vary in how they specify requirements for establishing similarity. Although a long-standing practice, there is still limited literature on the topic and professional guidance on conducting transportability studies operationally. Panelists will discuss these issues and how recent developments may impact use of this alternative validation strategy.

Breaking Barriers: Tackling Gender Differences in Selection
Presenter: Christa Bupp | 1:00 PM, Hyatt Grand Hall J

Gender disparities persist in contemporary organizational practices, starting in and continuing throughout the selection process. In this IGNITE panel, authors will highlight the work of academics and practitioners studying these differences and biases. Authors seek to increase awareness and understanding of these issues, with the goal of generating conversation, research, and practices aiming to minimize gender disparities. Presentations range from research on resume creation to hiring and salary decisions, presenting research findings, and offering recommendations for research and practice.

Mastering 360⁰ Feedback: A Practitioner’s Playbook for Success
Presenters: Paul Glatzhofer, Cassandra Walter | 1:00 PM, Hyatt Ball Room EF

Through the lens of practitioners, this session will be focused on discussing common obstacles associated with 360⁰ feedbacks. Panelists will provide tangible strategies for overcoming challenges with eliciting honest and accurate feedback from raters, aiding recipients in reading and interpreting their 360⁰ feedback reports, and identifying when to use benchmark data. Additionally, panelists will provide insight into how they have leveraged 360⁰ feedbacks for personnel decisions and talent management strategies, providing suggestions on how to ensure valid and legally defensible usages.

New Innovations and Advancements in Personality Assessment (Round 3)
Presenters: Hilary Butera, Kristin Delgado | 2:00 PM, Zoom Room 1

This Ignite session will highlight a range of research projects aimed at exploring innovative ways to measure and use personality. The session includes new topics and updates from ongoing lines of research and involves research conducted by individuals representing a range of roles and perspectives. Topics include unique item types, predicting performance ratings from different rater sources, deriving personality and interests from social media behavior, gamified and implicit assessment techniques, and relationships between personality and employment trends such as quiet quitting.

Friday, April 19

The Assessment Measurement/Efficiency Tradeoff: Practitioner Stories from the Field
Presenters: Christa Bupp, Lindsey Burke | 1:00 PM, Swissotel Zurich AB

The ignite session is focused on the measurement and efficiency tradeoff that many I-O professionals experience when designing and revising various assessment methods. The panelists will share use cases where shorter/faster is better and others where it is not. They will also discuss the competing priorities and how they balance them to determine the appropriate length of specific tools across a variety of industries.

Alpha to Omega: Thoughtful Engagement Through the Leader Lifecycle
Presenter: Alissa Parr | 1:00 PM, Hyatt Ball Room S CD

Dynamic workplaces require leaders to continuously adapt, be compassionate, and deliver stellar results. Organizations need to identify and retain high caliber leaders to excel in this evolving landscape. Thoughtful engagement throughout a leader lifecycle is critical, and authors are sharing how some companies have done this differently in the selection, onboarding, engagement, development, and high potential stages. In this session, expert panelists will share their direct experiences on how their novel, and, sometimes tried and true, programs have created positive impacts on their leaders.

Unmasking Destructive Leadership: Traits, Moderators, and Mitigating Factors
Presenters: Kristin Delgado, Scott Stubenrauch, Shaun Wehle | 5:00 PM, Hyatt Ball Room S CD

Destructive leaders wield detrimental influence over individuals, teams, and organizations, with well-documented, adverse effects on attitudes and culture. To create a climate that mitigates the impact of these harmful leaders, it is critical to better understand their characteristics and the conditions under which their behavior leads to negative outcomes. Collectively, this group of papers seeks to expand understanding of destructive leadership by providing insight into the internal and external factors that moderate relationships with destructive leader behavior.

Inclusion in Action: Raising Awareness of Asian Workplace Challenges
Presenter: Mei-Chuan Kung | 5:00 PM, Hyatt Grand Hall J

The surge of anti-Asian racism and hate crimes since the pandemic in the U.S. highlights the increasing need for awareness of issues impacting the Asian community and for research and practices to effectively address them. In this panel discussion, a group of diverse researchers and practitioners will shed light on the phenomena that Asians face in the workplace by sharing their experiences, both personal and professional. The panel will discuss how these issues can be diagnosed and addressed, and how Asians fit within the increasingly complex DEI environment.

Saturday, April 20

Messy Validation IX: Phone a Validation Friend
Presenter: Steven Jarrett | 8:30 AM, Swissotel Vevey 3/4

This session brings together experienced I-O practitioners to advise on assessment validation challenges (e.g., stakeholder buy-in, data collection, analysis, communicating results). In the first part of the session, attendees will discuss example messy validation scenarios in small groups before hearing how the expert panelists handled the situation. In the second part of the session, 2 to 4 attendees in each group will have the opportunity to pose a validation challenge that they are facing to their group for discussion and advice from one or more of the panelists.

Innovative Approaches to Job Analysis: Novel Solutions for Practical Challenges
Presenter: Jospeh Abraham, Dawn Lambert, Penelope Palmer | 2:00 PM, Hyatt Grand Hall J

Innovations in job analysis are of great interest to research and practice, as traditional job analysis methods can be resource intensive, time consuming, or sometimes difficult to interpret. This symposium highlights ways we can think differently about approaching job analysis activities in a manner that introduces efficiencies or other practical benefits, such as by providing job similarity benchmarks in transportability studies, applying natural language processing to extract insights from unstructured qualitative data, or utilizing artificial intelligence in I-O work.

Unproctored Internet Test Security: Are I-Os Behind the Curve?
Presenter: John Weiner | 3:00 PM, Hyatt Grand Hall J

A review of cheating research in unproctored internet testing surfaced few I-O publications. Most I-O research has emphasized faking on noncognitive assessments while ignoring deliberate attempts to misrepresent abilities, skills, and knowledge. Given increasing adoption of online testing coupled with increasingly sophisticated methods to fabricate expertise (e.g., chatGPT), a robust strategy is needed to preserve score integrity. This panel describes threats faced and novel solutions to safeguard testing assets drawing inspiration from certification, education, and software industries.

About Talogy
Talogy is one of the world’s leading talent management solution providers. Crafting solutions to help select, develop, and transform talent and organizations worldwide. Partnering with organizations to truly understand their challenges, inside and out to help them make the best data-driven people decisions. Combining 75+ years of expertise, our extensive content library, and innovative technology, we help clients find, build, and grow the best talent.

About SIOP
SIOP is the premier membership organization for those practicing and teaching I-O psychology. While an independent organization with its own governance, SIOP also represents Division 14 of the American Psychological Association and is an organizational affiliate of the Association for Psychological Science.

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