Global offices Careers


Benchmarking the strength of the current talent pool

Founded in 1978, Rydon Construction, Rydon Homes and Rydon Maintenance cover general contracting, refurbishment, remediation, cross subsidy, regeneration, property maintenance and residential and commercial property development.

The challenge

With a view to succession planning, we were commissioned to design and facilitate a rigorous, objective assessment and development center process to give the board a clear sense of the bench-strength of the current talent pool. Specifically the project aimed to:


  • Design a cost-effective assessment solution that will support the development of middle managers building on in-house 1-1 exploration of career motivation.
  • Benchmark these managers against our LIVED® leadership model using a mix of psychometric and behavioral assessment methodologies which have also been mapped against Rydon’s leadership competencies.
  • Provide an evidence based platform for the design and facilitation of individual and/or group development programs.

The solution


1. Pre-assessment

We worked with Rydon to understand their business context including market, strategy, culture and leadership role requirements. This provided the background of how LIVED would be applied for maximum success and allowed us to determine the right benchmark.

We liaised directly with participants to ensure they are suitably prepared for the process, arranging for them to complete the online psychometric assessments.


2. Assessment day

The assessment day began with a two-and-a-half-hour deep dive interview which explored the participants’ career history, aspirations and motivations, and determined their strengths and development needs. During this session, managers gained a full understanding of their psychometric profiles. In the afternoon they participated in a two-and-a-half-hour business simulation /presentation exercise, conducted face-to-face.


3. Post-assessment

Upon completion of the assessment day our Consultant Psychologist created a comprehensive LIVED leadership assessment and development report. This was then shared with participants during a 1-1 coaching feedback session for development purposes and followed up with 1-1 conversations with an HR business partner and the group MD.

The results


  • The assessment provided the ‘right level of challenge’ for 71% of participants.
  • 77% of the participants judged the quality of the feedback as being good or excellent.
  • 100% of participants felt they were now ‘completely or mostly aware’ of their strengths and development needs.