Talogy talks at SIOP 2023

April 17, 2023

As 2023’s Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists (SIOP) draws near, Talogy’s I/O experts are preparing to present on a host of prominent topics in the current talent management landscape. They will be discussing topics ranging from DE&I and 360 feedback to innovation and AI applications in assessments.

“We have a world-class team of experts with a passion for making a difference in the world of work for individuals and companies. They are building some of the very best solutions combining our scientific expertise with market-leading technology. This alloy between science and technology is vital to improving the client and candidate experience, and I know that our experts’ contributions on these topics at this year’s SIOP Conference will continue to push the needle in discussions surrounding the future of talent management, assessment, and development,” said Steve Tapp, CEO of Talogy.

We hope to see you at one of our sessions.

Thursday, April 20

Adapting talent development for remote and hybrid work. What works, and what doesn’t.

Panelists: Alanna Harrington and Rebecca Parkerson, CPTD | 8:00 AM, Room 310

Organizations are still adapting their talent practices for remote and hybrid work. In this panel discussion, a group of experienced practitioners and applied researchers will discuss challenges, best practices, and considerations for adapting talent development for a remote and hybrid context. This will include discussion of both traditional development methods as well as new strategies and technologies. Insights from this session can guide future efforts to navigate this uncharted territory.

Strategic Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: IGNITing Solutions to Current Challenges

Presenter: Kimberly Silva | 1:00 PM, Ballroom B

Despite a vast amount of research in the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) space, practitioners continue to face challenges when working with organizations to promote DEI across organizational functions. This IGNITE session offers data- and research-driven approaches to some of the more divisive and controversial issues in the DEI space, in particular, as they relate to different stages of the employee lifecycle. Topics will cover assessment, selection/hiring, compensation, DEI interventions, organizational socialization, and retention.

Leveling the Playing Field: Practical Considerations for Testing and Accommodations

Panelist: Dawn Lambert, Ph.D. | 2:00 PM, Room 209

Despite a vast amount of research in the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) space, practitioners continue to face challenges when working with organizations to promote DEI across organizational functions. This IGNITE session offers data- and research-driven approaches to some of the more divisive and controversial issues in the DEI space, in particular, as they relate to different stages of the employee lifecycle. Topics will cover assessment, selection/hiring, compensation, DEI interventions, organizational socialization, and retention.

New Innovations and Advancements in Personality Assessment (Round 2)

Presenter: Kristin Delgado | 4:00 PM, Room 208

This Ignite session will highlight a wide range of research projects aimed at exploring innovative ways to measure and use personality and related constructs conducted by individuals representing an equally wide range of roles and perspectives. These include assessing personality using a multiperspective (MP) approach, forced-choice techniques that overcome traditional limitations of such an approach, applying techniques traditionally used for assessing personality to other content areas, and nontraditional approaches such as implicit methods for modern personality assessment.

Wellness Initiatives in Organizations – Follow the Science, Not the Fad

Panelists: Nat Baytalskaya and Kimberly Silva | 4:00 PM, Room 302

In recent years, organizations have invested considerable resources into implementing wellness programs. Although some programs have shown benefits to employees, many of these initiatives fail to demonstrate meaningful results, do not take science-based approaches into account, or have poor utilization. This panel will address many wellness initiative factors including separating data-driven components from fads, discussing reasons for why many programs fail, and recommending specific science-based solutions to ensure future success.

Leveraging I-O Psychology to Improve Law Enforcement Practices

Presenters: Kristin Delgado and Shaun Wehle, Psy.D. | 5:00 PM, Room 203

I-O psychologists have been called upon to use their expertise to provide evidence-based recommendations for law enforcement agencies. This symposium includes 3 main topics: personality testing in personnel selection, recruitment of women officers, and police–civilian relations. A variety of perspectives, including those of I-O psychologists, management scholars, and practitioners, are presented on how to improve recruitment and selection of officers. Additionally, research discussing how civilians’ perceptions of policing behavior may negatively affect their job performance is presented.

Friday, April 21

Revisiting Meta-Analytic Validity: Implications of Sackett et al.’s 2021 Article

Panelists: Joseph Abraham, Ph.D., Dawn Lambert, Ph.D., and John Weiner | 9:00 AM, Ballroom B

A recent article by Paul Sackett and colleagues re-examined the long-accepted meta-analytic validity estimates originally compiled by Schmidt and Hunter (1998) on various personnel selection procedures. Sackett et al. proposed that the values established by Schmidt and Hunter employed systematic overcorrection for restriction of range and, therefore, represent overestimates of the meta-analytic validity of many common selection procedures. Practical implications of the propositions and revised validity estimates put forth by Sackett et al. (2021) will be discussed during the panel session.

Beyond the Report: How Organizations can Create a Sustainable 360⁰ Feedback Program

Panelists: Paul Glatzhofer and Cassandra Walter | 10:30 AM, Room 208

This session will offer a unique perspective on 360⁰ feedback by focusing on topics beyond the survey and report content. Rather, it will focus on the implementation of the 360⁰ feedback program and what happens after the recipient receives their report. Panelists will discuss strategies for gaining organizational buy-in and best practices for ensuring sustainable change is achieved. Panelists will also share their unique challenges they have encountered with 360⁰ feedback programs and offer suggestions on how to avoid those obstacles.

Accessible for Who? A Critical Discussion on the State of Accommodations

Panelist: Jaclyn Menendez, Ph.D. | 1:30 PM, Zoom 3

The purpose of this panel is to provide best practices, advice, and foster discussion about accommodations in the workplace. Laws that mandate the option of accommodations to employees are vague, leaving interpretation up to the employer, and many individuals who request accommodations are often unaware of the options available to them. The lack of research in this space is detrimental to disabled workers who may have to work against preconceived notions about cost and productivity, as well as organizations who may be missing out on valuable talent who may benefit from accommodations.

Messy Validation VIII: Don’t Forget Your I/O Basics When Validating AI/ML Assessments

Panelist: Steven Jarret, Ph.D. | 2:00 PM, Room 209

With the surge in AI/ML based assessments, an increasing number of practitioners must tackle how to validate AI/ML solutions or how to evaluate the validation evidence for AI/ML solutions. Although there are some new issues to address, many of the most critical issues concerning the validation or AI/ML based assessments are rooted in foundational I-O considerations of research. This session brings together experienced I-O practitioners to explore both new considerations when validating AI/ML based assessments and their grounding in many of the foundational considerations core to the field.

Drawing the Line: A Person-centered Approach to the After-work Recovery Process

Presenter: Alyssa Michels, Ph.D. | 4:00 PM, Exhibit Hall

This study utilizes a profile analysis to explore factors that influence whether integration between home and work boundaries impedes work recovery. The results of this study exemplify the different conclusions to be drawn when using person-centered approaches as opposed to traditional variable-centered, regression approaches in examining work segmentation preference, supplies, and boundary control. Implications for future research and recommendations to help individuals better understand how to support recovery given their unique context and preference are discussed.

AI Applications, Issues, and Opportunities in Assessment

Panelist: John Weiner | 4:00 PM, Room 313

This session will examine various issues in the use of artificial intelligence in assessment. As AI is increasingly used in work, learning and daily life, it has become a lightning rod issue in the media, social advocacy groups, and legal and regulatory arenas. In the assessment context, concerns are being raised about validity, fairness, bias, privacy, and ethical use of AI. A panel of experts in employment, credentialing and higher education testing will explore these potential concerns and implications for AI-based assessment.

The Assessment Measurement/Efficiency Tradeoff: Practitioner Stories from the Field

Presenters: Christa Bupp, Ph.D. and Lindsey Burke | 4:00 PM, Zoom 3

The ignite session is focused on the measurement and efficiency tradeoff that many I-O professionals experience when designing and revising various assessment methods. The panelists will share use cases where shorter/faster is better and others where it is not. They will also discuss the competing priorities and how they balance them to determine the appropriate length of specific tools across a variety of industries.

Saturday, April 22

Who Needs a Coach? Everyone.

Panelists: Alexis Chick and Alissa Parr, Ph.D. | 3:00 PM, Room 208

This session brings together seasoned executive coaches to share their challenges, experiences, and learnings from engaging in coaching relationships. This session will go beyond the basics of coaching and instead focus on how these coaches have leveled up their abilities and been more successful in the relationships they have developed. They will also share their thoughts on current trends and the direction of the field.

“I am really excited for the upcoming SIOP conference. It has been 25 years since my first SIOP and I still get the same excitement about the research in our field that I did back then. In particular, I am excited to see on display the breadth of fantastic work submitted and accepted by my coworkers at Talogy. The representation of our R&D and Consulting teams in this year’s program is a shining example of Talogy’s far reaching expertise across all of the talent challenges today’s organizations face. Talogy team members will be presenting on topics across a wide cross section of the I/O field, including; innovative personality and ability testing, assessment validation, job design, DEI, wellness, coaching, employee development, 360s, and selection process design. I am fortunate to work every day with such an impressive group of thought leaders and I will be proud to be a part of it all in Boston,” said Ted Kinney, Vice President of Research and Development for Talogy.

With companies continuing to place increasing importance on talent analytics, you can expect to see more on these topics over the course of this year. Be on the lookout for a full recap of each session after SIOP and stay tuned in to Talogy’s blog for expanded conversations around these topics and others every week.

About Talogy

We are Talogy, assessors and developers of global talent. We craft solutions that screen, select, develop, and engage talent worldwide. By uniting the leading psychologists, data scientists, developers, and HR consultants we bring the power of psychology and technology together so you can make the best data-driven people decisions. With more than 30 million assessments delivered each year in more than 50 languages, we help clients discover organizational brilliance.

About SIOP

SIOP is the premier membership organization for those practicing and teaching I-O psychology. While an independent organization with its own governance, SIOP also represents Division 14 of the American Psychological Association and is an organizational affiliate of the Association for Psychological Science.


Finding the right fit: nine assessment types

Assessments are among the most powerful tools available to HR professionals to make better hires, identify development needs, and quantify leadership potential.

The attributes of each assessment are intended to measure and align that information with your hiring and development goals.

This eBook will detail:

  • Goals – what is each assessment intended to measure?
  • Advantages and disadvantages – what are the strengths and weaknesses of each type?
  • Use cases – what are the job roles or job traits that apply to each assessment type?
Download Now
nine assessment types cta ebook cover