Resilience: the key to thriving during challenge and change

January 11, 2022

Previously published by PSI Talent Management or Cubiks, prior to becoming Talogy.

The work environment and the nature of work is going through unprecedented change. Fueled by the exponential advancements in technology, leaders and employees are required to adapt and transform both themselves and their organizations with ever increasing speed. Despite a lot of this change being very exciting, this requires employees to have the right strategies and psychological resources to thrive during these challenging times.

Leaders, managers, and employees need to utilize and enhance their resilience in the workplace. Research shows that high levels of resilience can improve job performance, and that resilience can indeed be developed.

Why is resilience important in the world of work?

With one in four people viewing their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives and 94% of HR professionals with the belief that stress impacts employee performance, there has never been a more pertinent time for building resilience in your organization.


Employees with low resilience report that they are twice as likely to experience burnout in comparison to employees with high levels of resilience


Highly resilient employees report themselves to be 43% more productive in comparison to candidates with low resilience


Highly resilient employees report themselves to be 47% more engaged at work in comparison to employees with low resilience


Highly resilient employees report that they are twice as likely to stay at the organization they are currently working at in comparison to those who report to have low levels of resilience

How are organizations building resilience?

  • 85% of HR professionals have indicated that resilience is either extremely important or very important for leaders. Explore the benefits of having more Resilient Leaders‍‍.
  • Important for assessment: 95% of HR professionals believe that assessing for resilience during recruitment is either extremely important or very important (based on the candidate experience research).
  • The Resilience Questionnaire‍‍ is now used globally across 93 countries.
  • Over 10,000 people have used the Resilience Questionnaire.

Can resilience be developed?

At Talogy, we define resilience as an individual’s capacity to adapt positively to pressure, setbacks, challenges, and change in order to achieve peak performance.

By understanding this capacity, based on eight core areas of the resilience model, resilience can be developed using strategies aligned to each of the eight areas. The Resilience Questionnaire‍‍ assesses this capacity and generates a feedback report providing a summary of an individual’s results in relation to the core components of resilience together with options on how they can develop each one.

Client snapshot

A global pharmaceutical company has been using the Resilience Questionnaire‍‍ for eight years as part of a wider Leadership development program. Over 500 leaders have now benefited from using the Resilience Questionnaire‍‍ and developing their resilience to strengthen their workforce.

Building resilient organizations

As a result of both the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the recent pandemic, change is now constant and relentless.

Despite the vast opportunities that change enables, issues like increased stress, burnout, and lower well-being are on the rise – highlighting the undeniable importance of organizational resilience.

To survive and thrive now, it is essential for leaders to build their resilience to be able to respond to change well and recover from setbacks. As they learn this, they then directly impact the resilience of their teams since the most critical ingredient for a resilient organization is its resilient people.

It has been shown that highly resilient employees are 43% more productive, 47% more engaged at work, and twice as likely to stay at their current organization.

Download our whitepaper now to find out:

  • What is resilience?
  • How does resilience impact organizations?
  • The eight key resilience development strategies
  • How to connect individual resilience to organizational resilience
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