United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)  

Empower global talent strategy with effective assessment centers

  • Industry: Government and Public services
  • HQ: Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • Employees: 3,800
  • Solution: assessment centers for recruitment, promotion, and development


The United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) has over 3,800 employees in 130 active locations around the world. Through its embassies and diplomatic missions around the globe, MoFA employees work tirelessly to execute the country’s foreign policy, building closer relationships and ties with other nations.

Facing the challenge of a large workforce and complex missions, MoFA was seeking a world-class strategic partner to support its various talent assessment initiatives. MoFA was looking to create a global benchmark and success profile, and to roll out a highly valid and reliable assessment process to support talent decisions in recruitment, promotion, and succession planning throughout the ministry.

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To create robust assessments targeted to fulfill MoFA’s various talent goals, Talogy’s expert team helped the organization roll out the project in three stages.

  1. Optimize the global talent benchmark and success profiles
    Talogy first helped MoFA set the right foundations for this initiative by optimizing their global talent benchmark and success profiles. With in-depth understanding of MoFA’s talent needs and challenges, this foundational work was critical in streamlining the ministry’s talent management practices, ensuring consistency across all levels of the organization. By refining these benchmarks, Talogy enabled MoFA to identify key traits and skills for success in various roles, building a solid foundation for the creation of meaningful competency frameworks.
  2. Develop targeted competency frameworks
    Talogy experts then reviewed and updated MoFA’s behavioral competency framework and developed a set of technical competency frameworks for the administrative and diplomatic roles across the organization. These frameworks then became a development basis for targeted assessments.
  3. Assess the talent pool and analyze the results
    Talogy helped improve the evaluation methods and data analysis processes used to support MoFA in their talent decision making by implementing a comprehensive, tailored assessment process for selection and development. Together with MoFA, Talogy created complete processes for assessment centers across all levels and departments, delivering essential talent data, including analysis and reporting.
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The teams involved were very helpful and flexible; and continuous communication made any hurdles a lot easier to leap. We look forward to continuing this successful partnership.

Ruba ElAmin

Development Expert, MoFA


The collaboration with Talogy has equipped MoFA with a set of science-backed talent frameworks that are effective, up-to-date and targeted, helping their talent practices stay consistent, structured and future-proof.


Through face-to-face and virtual assessment centers, Talogy has assessed 1,300+ MoFA diplomats and administrative sector employees around the world in English and Arabic. The assessment data was used to drive personal development and help MoFA understand where their talent potential and leadership readiness gaps lie.


With this initiative, MoFA’s senior management is empowered to make more objective, consistent and fair recruitment and promotion decisions.


“Talogy’s project approach and experts involved supported MoFA’s talent development initiatives. Reflecting and advising from the team and the projects leads supported taking the project in the best direction forward in the time frame of implementation.” – Ruba ElAmin, Development Expert, MoFA

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What’s next with Talogy?

MoFA continues to partner with Talogy to assess its employees across all levels and departments to ensure the ongoing development of its talent and leadership pipeline. Including a complete design review and refresh of all aspects of the assessment to ensure alignment and fit for purpose.

On an organizational level, MoFA have sought support from Talogy with an Employee Engagement Survey as they strive to elevate and sustain a high performing organizational culture. The results from these surveys and focus groups will be used by MoFA leadership to gain alignment around strengths, opportunities, risks and development priorities.

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