The solution
RMG engaged with us to provide a ‘best practice’ approach to recruitment assessment, while bringing additional external insight to recruitment trends and challenges. Alongside this, working with an external provider allowed for high volumes of training to be conducted without impacting RMG internal resources.
We conducted a comprehensive audit of the existing levels of confidence and competence around different aspects of recruitment. This audit was conducted by asking individuals from across the business to complete a self-report confidence assessment and a multiple knowledge test to assess competence. From this, the learning objectives were identified based on managers’ current understanding, skills and gaps and the training was designed. This also incorporated best practice principals from the British Psychological Society standards and our expertise in assessment from the last 30 years.
The training lasted two days to ensure enough time for knowledge transfer, safe practice and information sharing. This was supplemented by reference materials and a workbook for ongoing support. The training culminated in a competence test (knowledge and practical) aligned to the audit so that the manager’s effectiveness could be demonstrated and also importantly, regularly monitored. Following the competence test, managers were then ‘signed off’ or identified as requiring shadowing support or identified to attend further training.