An inclusive assessment approach to high potential identification

  • Industry: energy and utility
  • UK HQ: London
  • Employees: 14,000 in the UK
  • Solution: assessment centres for high potential identification


EDF in the UK employs around 14,000 people at locations across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. EDF is helping Britain achieve Net Zero by leading the transition to a cleaner, low emission, electric future and tackling climate change. It is the UK’s largest producer of low-carbon electricity and supplies millions of customers with electricity and gas.

EDF fully understands the role effective leadership plays in organisational success and is dedicated to identifying high-potential employees with the aim to develop them into future leaders. In light of emerging challenges in both talent management and energy industry, they were looking to optimise their high potential identification process, ensuring it aligned to their talent framework and was engaging from start to finish. Since energy has mostly been a male-dominated sector, EDF is also keen to drive female representation at the leadership level through this process.

EDF chose to work with Talogy because of our strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), our personal approach to account management, and our highly flexible approach.


At Talogy, we are committed to being a trusted partner, leveraging our expertise to create tailored solutions for our customer. DEI is integral to our approach throughout the talent lifecycle, which makes us excited to work with EDF to help them identify leadership potential and create a sustainable, inclusive future together.

Alison Fishlock

EDF Account Manager, Talogy


Talogy worked closely with EDF to implement a holistic assessment solution to evaluate leadership potential based on the attributes essential for success in EDF leadership positions: behaviours aligned with EDF’s values, and outstanding capability and engagement that contributes to the success of the group. EDF then created a 3-step approach to identifying their high potentials:


  1. High potential candidate identification: Leadership talents were identified internally by EDF, and those individuals then proceeded to the next step: an assessment centre.
  2. Assessment centre: The assessment centre was facilitated by Talogy, and started with a series of online assessments, including EIP3 (measuring emotional intelligence), P.A.P.I. (measuring personality and competencies), and Logiks (measuring cognitive ability) that candidates completed as pre-work. This was then followed up by a comprehensive series of in-person simulations, including a group exercise, a role-play, a business analysis exercise, a career interview and a psychological interview based on the assessment results. Together, this built a holistic picture of the participant’s aptitude, values, competencies, and behaviours.
  3. Feedback sessions: Following the assessments, participants received detailed feedback, providing them with valuable insights for their professional development journey.


Talogy worked closely with EDF to ensure the process was inclusive from start to finish, minimising bias within the process and providing an objective, thorough analysis of the assessment results. Helping EDF make informed, inclusive, and fair high potential identification decisions.



The first cohort of the high potential identification solution was rolled out in 2020 with successful results:

  • Amongst the candidates who have participated in the assessment centre, 63% are female.
  • 77% of candidates have successfully transitioned to leadership roles since the assessment, with 56% having progressed multiple times to advance their careers within EDF. Among these candidates, over 50% are female.

“Talogy’s background in psychology contributed greatly to creating effective assessments – the first assessment centre ran smoothly with positive feedback from participants. Talogy’s post-assessment feedback conversations were particularly helpful in removing bias from the process.”

Julie Pearce, Career Manager at EDF


What’s next with Talogy?

Our collaboration is still ongoing, with more assessment centres planned to continuously identify future leaders for EDF. They are also exploring Talogy’s coaching and development solutions to facilitate further learning and development for participants post assessment.


“Talogy is a great partner for their professionalism and collaborative nature, adding a great dynamic to the project.”

Julie Pearce, Career Manager at EDF
