Global offices Careers

Tokio Marine Group

Next Generation Leadership Development Programme

Support for the development of a select number of global employees within the Tokio Marine Group through the Next Generation Leadership Development Programme

Tokio Marine is a global insurance company offering access to leading commercial insurance solutions spanning the property and casualty landscape, professional liability, workers’ compensation, and employee benefits programs.

  • Insurance sector
  • Company Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan
  • 40,000+ employees worldwide
  • Established in 1879


The Tokio Marine Group has grown year over year as a result of large-scale acquisitions. Through global diversification of business and talent, Tokio Marine delivers innovative solutions to customers. This supports their vision To Be a Good Company.

The purpose of the Tokio Marine Next Generation Leadership program is to support the global diversification of business and talent – and is one of the flagship inter-group programmes in which participants build an understanding of the wider Group strategy, develop relationships across the Group, and learn tangible skills to help them to contribute further in their current roles.

Objectives of this programme:


The Next Generation Programme is a yearlong multifaceted global leadership development program. It

  1. Execution of an enterprise-wide DEI project
  2. Development and proposal of a synergy strategy project to senior executives across the Tokio
    Marine Group
  3. Individual assessments, development planning, and coaching of participants

Talogy is a key partner for the part of the programme focused on individual assessments, development planning and coaching.

Specifically, Talogy provides an in-depth 360-assessment that aligns to the competencies of the Caliper Profile which is a best in breed personality assessment used for talent management. By combining the Caliper Profile personality assessment with the 360 survey results, participants are provided with a baseline regarding how they are perceived as leaders in their organisation, reporting their on-the-job behaviours linked to motivational tendencies. The assessment results are then explained in detail via individual coaching sessions where there is a reflection of behaviour, discussion on potential strengths, and creation of a development plan for the leader to implement in their day-to-day work.

Following this, the development plan is supported by a yearlong coaching journey. Talogy coaches
provide continuous support on the development plan via virtual coaching sessions. They encourage the participants to own their development by being self-aware of their behavioural tendencies and
incorporating strategies to perform more effectively, helping each person to maximise their potential. With a series of ongoing sessions, support from the Tokio Marine Group leadership, and additional learning workshops, the programme provides the diagnostics and insights needed to transform their leaders. Furthermore, the programme facilitates various opportunities for participants to interact with global leaders, exchanging ideas and experiences to enrich their learning.

As the Next Generation Leadership Development Programme expands, Tokio Marine is leveraging other
Talogy tools such as Talogy Perceptions, which assesses cultural ability and inclusive leadership. This inclusive leadership survey helps participants better understand strengths they can leverage and build selfawareness on how to be a more inclusive, effective leader.

I enjoy working with my Talogy coaching team. I feel like it’s an extension of my own internal staff. They understand our business needs and are very responsive.

Dr. Christine M. Hernandez

SVP of Organizational Development at Tokio Marine North America Services

Robust results

  • The programme has doubled in participation since it’s commencement. Participants are from Tokyo to the United Kingdom, from North and South America, and several other countries. The programme continues to expand its reach each year.
  • At the end of the programme there is a team project submission to produce proposals for synergies across Group companies. Many of the proposals have become real time business process improvements for the Tokio Marine Group.
  • The programme leads to opportunities for lateral growth as well as expanded global business awareness and understanding.
  • Annual quantitative and qualitative feedback on the program is highly positive.

“Talogy has been able to support the learning objectives of our leadership program through 360 assessments and coaching, helping to make the Next Gen programme successful”, says Hernandez.


“That’s our strength at Talogy. We meet you wherever you are in your talent development journey. So, you don’t need to completely overhaul and upend your existing programme because you want something new. We will partner with you to find the best solution for your need.

Jacque Casoni

Tokio Marine Group account lead at Talogy

What’s next with Talogy?

Even before the current normal and the new need to nurture work relationships and develop employees, Tokio Marine recognised the need to develop employees across the global Group. Tokio Marine’s relationship with Talogy began in 2013 with the Caliper Profile assessment and has continued to build with the Next Generation Leadership Development Programme.

Through the years, Tokio Marine has appreciated the in-depth insights they have gotten from Talogy’s assessments and leadership development tools. This has led to a further strengthening of Talogy’s 10-year-old relationship with Tokio Marine on the Next Generation Leadership Development Programme.

“I have a priority to work with vendor partners that are there to support my vision about how talent development supports our business strategy and that’s where I feel we’ve got a really good working relationship with Talogy”, says Hernandez.

Talogy is excited to continue to build a strong partnership with the Tokio Marine Group into the next decade!
