6 Tips for attracting the best young graduates

9 March, 2022

Previously published by PSI Talent Management or Cubiks, prior to becoming Talogy.

Attracting and hiring top graduate talent is essential for the future success of any organisation. Here, we share some expert tips on what’s crucial when finding and recruiting the graduates you need.

In our previous article, ‘Graduates: Who they are and why we need them’, we looked at the reasons for the increased pressure on employers to recruit graduate talent. Although we shouldn’t over-generalise, we also explored the common shared traits of this young population entering the workforce.

In light of this discussion, we’d like to share some tips from the Talogy experts that should help you kick start a review of the way in which your organisation attracts and recruits graduates.

6 Top graduate recruitment tips

1. Make the best use of online screening solutions

This younger generation was born with a smartphone in their hand; make use of technology to convey your message and show off your branding. Ensure your online recruitment process highlights the fact that your business can use technology and innovate. Keep in mind that the experience for the candidate should be smooth and engaging, and importantly it should offer them feedback in return for their time investment.

2. Personalise your approach

Considering the impact of graduate characteristics on their expectations of their first job and workplace1, employers should personalise their graduate selection programs. This demonstrates that you are flexible, open, and willing to accommodate specific needs where required.

3. Be clear about what you expect and what you can offer

As much and as soon as possible in your programme and advertising, be clear about what you can offer to your graduates. Lack of clarity can lead to confusion and unrealistic expectations about an employer’s offer1. Also, avoid over-selling if you cannot commit to keeping your promises. Finally, economic prospects and professional development opportunities are crucial for current young graduates2; so emphasise the development opportunities, career paths and extrinsic rewards that you offer.

4 Show that you care

Show you care about your people, their job satisfaction and career development. It is crucial to build young workers’ confidence and skills when it comes to the cooperation needed to meet the challenges of the digital workplace3. Generally, young graduates are less loyal to a single organisation. If you want to retain them, you’ll need to demonstrate from the start that you appreciate their commitment to your company, as well as to its mission and values.

5 Highlight your work-life balance measures

Graduates entering the workforce today are much more likely to seek a work / life balance than many of their predecessors. To differentiate yourself, you need to show them that you can offer flexible hours where possible, to accommodate their need to balance work and play.

6 Emphasise social responsibility

As an employer, you can best attract young graduates if you put forward your mission and how you serve society as a whole. Many in this population seek purposeful roles and meaningful experiences at work, so make sure you communicate this in your recruitment process4.

A few hints to help you establish a longer term fit with young graduates’ profiles

Build close(r) partnerships with educational institutions

Giving current students timely information on the labour market is essential to helping them anticipate future job needs. By working in closer partnership, businesses and educational institutions can provide future graduates with a better understanding of the link between their curriculum and their future employer’s requirements5. Examples of such initiatives can include running seminars on business-related issues at universities1, possibly delivered by an expert working in a specific organisation.

Calibrate your expectations to reality

Don’t expect your candidates to have all the skills you require for immediate full productivity!

If you’d like to know more about how Cubiks can assist you with enhancing your approach to attracting young graduates, email info@cubiks.com or fill in the contact form below and we’ll get back to you.


1 Smith, E.E., & Krüger, J. 2005 Perceptions of graduates regarding workplace expectations: An exploratory study. South African Journal of Business Management 36(1), 23-31.

2 Boccuzzo, G. & Gianecchini, M. 1 Measuring young graduates’ job quality through a composite indicator. Social Indicators Research Journal 122: 453-478

3 Simon Sinek on Millennials (viewed January 2017). The Good Men Project website.

4 Ng, E.S.W., Schweitzer, L. & Lyons, S.T. 1 New generation, great expectations: a field study of the Millennial generation. Journal of Business Psychology 25: 1

5 Abel, J. R., Deitz, R., & Su, Y. 1 Are recent college graduates finding good jobs ?. Current issues in Economics and Finance 20(1).

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