Press Release

New research from Talogy unveils vital insights into effective leadership progression

A new research report from Talogy, assessors and developers of global talent, evaluates management transitions, behaviours, and requirements for managers across first, mid, and senior-level leadership positions. The report aims to create an understanding of what is needed to move between leadership levels and how leaders can be supported and support their own employees, allowing them to thrive in their leadership journey.

Combining questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and scientific literature research, the report collects perspectives from employees, leaders, and organisations across 42 countries and builds upon Talogy’s previous leadership research report, Leading in the future world of work, released in 2021.

The new research report offers a holistic review of the qualities that employees believe are most important in leadership, as well as feedback from leaders themselves in terms of the challenges they face when transitioning from first-level management to senior-level roles. By identifying prevalent challenges and offering actionable strategies, Talogy aims to empower both leaders and organisations in navigating the dynamic journey of leadership progression, filling a crucial gap in leadership research and facilitating informed decision-making for future leadership success.

A key theme from the previous report was the move towards more human-centred leadership, which remains prevalent in this current research, and represents a continued trend away from command-and-control-style leadership to a style that is more emotionally intelligent, engaging, and focused on greater wellbeing at work.

Core findings within Talogy’s new research report show that employee perception of leadership effectiveness is directly related to how leaders make employees feel, with 1 in 5 employees feeling stressed and frustrated as a direct result of a leader’s behaviour. The main inhibiting behaviours of leadership, according to employees, include micromanaging and poor communication. It was also found that the majority of leaders do not receive any formal leadership training or development, with only 38% of leaders feeling well-prepared for the next level of leadership.

The new research identifies five primary challenges leaders face when moving into new leadership roles, the main differences between behaviours and qualities required as managers progress into more senior leadership roles, and outlines how organisations can best prepare leaders to transition successfully and be effective in future leadership roles.

Talogy’s latest research report delves deep into the intricacies of management transitions, offering a comprehensive exploration of behaviours and requirements across leadership levels. With a focus on fostering human-centred leadership, the findings underscore the pivotal role of emotional intelligence and employee wellbeing in driving leadership effectiveness.

Discover the latest findings in the comprehensive research report. Visit Talogy’s website to access your guide to effective leadership.

About Talogy

Talogy is one of the world’s leading talent management solution providers. Crafting solutions to help select, develop, and transform talent and organisations worldwide. Partnering with organisations to truly understand their challenges, inside and out to help them make the best data-driven people decisions. Combining 75+ years of expertise, our extensive content library, and innovative technology, we help clients find, build, and grow the best talent.