Navigating complexity: A senior manager’s journey

12 August, 2024

Written by Steph Noble, Managing R&D Consultant

The journey of a senior manager requires continuous growth and learning. It is believed that senior managers may have the most difficult and complex journey of all leaders, casting the greatest leadership shadow and impact throughout the organisation. They must adapt to changing industry landscapes and business ecosystems, all while driving forward their vision and leading their organisations to achieve strategic goals. Senior managers typically oversee large business departments and are responsible for overall organisational strategy and success.

In our previous blogs, we introduced the leadership journey and discussed the experiences of both first-time managers and mid-level managers. In this blog, we will discuss the challenges facing leaders at the next level, senior management. Even as leaders progress and gain more experience, it is still important to consider how we can support senior leadership to be successful and meet the unique demands at this level.

Moving into senior management

When a leader reaches a position of seniority this usually signifies an acknowledgement of their expertise, leadership skills, and qualities. Senior leaders have many competing priorities, and they are expected to juggle them all seamlessly. They need to create a vision, set long-term plans, inspire others, and align teams across the organisation to the wider goals and objectives. Influencing, networking, and communication become increasingly important at this level and have different elevated requirements to previous management levels. Senior leadership sets the tone for the whole organisation, not just their direct teams, and they must recognise the importance of generating a positive workplace climate that is conducive to wellbeing, growth, and performance.

Within our most recent leadership research that explored the three different levels of leadership, we found that the transition from middle manager to senior manager requires the biggest mindset shift and change in behaviour. To understand how we can support senior managers with this journey, it is first important to consider the specific challenges they face and what makes this transition so significant.

The challenges of becoming a senior manager

The step up to senior management can be the most demanding for leaders, requiring the largest shift in mindset and behaviours across the whole leadership pipeline. Our research indicated that the transition into a senior manager position is associated with several challenges including:

  • Relationship management

    Relationships with peers become fewer but increasingly important at a higher level. There is also a marked difference in how senior managers hold relationships with others in the organisation. At this level, it is common for senior leaders to feel removed from the teams on the ground. They can find it difficult to form genuine connections and maintain strong relationships with employees and other leaders.

  • Effective communication

    In order to communicate effectively in the workplace, senior leadership must ensure that communication is clear, direct, and properly disseminated throughout the entire organisation. It must be positioned at a level all employees and leaders can understand and must be adapted to be appropriate for a range of stakeholders. Senior managers must ensure they speak a common language that keeps everyone informed and sets a clear direction for the purpose and goals of the organisation.

  • Driving results

    There is increased pressure for senior managers to drive results and ensure all functions within the organisation are productive. They are ultimately responsible for financials, quality, and compliance along with all other organisational outcomes. This amount of expectation and pressure often leads to challenges related to imposter syndrome, where leaders may doubt their competence despite their accomplishments and capabilities.

Facing challenges head on

Acknowledging and preparing for these challenges is paramount for the success of a senior manager. For those who fail to navigate these challenges and complexities, there will undoubtably be a negative knock-on effect for the teams and functions they lead.

Our research found that when a senior manager fails to shift their mindset and behaviours it results in a lack of clear vision or direction for the organisation. Leaders may not understand what they are responsible for and/or what is expected from their teams, resulting in confusion, disengagement, inefficiencies, and a lack of role clarity. When clarity through delegation and communication is not provided by senior leaders and they do not allow autonomy among their mid-level leaders, it results in siloed and competitive working styles, disharmony between functions, and a loss of purpose and meaning at work.

Paving the way for success: Effective behaviours of a senior manager

To help ensure a successful leadership journey for senior managers they should focus on the following behaviours:

  1. Think more strategically

    Senior managers must consider the bigger picture, think long term, and establish clear, achievable goals backed up by detailed plans and strategies. Business decisions should be made based on internal and external factors that align with strategic objectives, and progress should be continually monitored, adapting plans where needed.

  2. Improve communication style

    What is communicated, when it’s communicated, and how it’s communicated are all important questions for senior leaders to ask themselves. Communicating with the entire organisation is a unique skill. For communication to be effective it must be clear and relevant to the audience.

  3. Focus on human-centred leadership

    Although recognised as a challenge for senior managers, they should invest time in increasing opportunities for them to genuinely connect with their teams and peers when possible. This will help grow trust within the organisation and create a positive emotional climate, enabling an open and honest environment where senior leaders are accountable and lead by example.

Achieving success through senior leadership

The journey from middle manager to senior manager is believed to be the most difficult for leaders. The challenges experienced are similar across leadership levels but are amplified as a leader progresses into a senior management position, which expands their role in scale and scope. In addition, the organisational requirements and employee expectations for them to be more strategic heightens. Senior leaders must make difficult decisions, accept increased risk and responsibility, and manage organisational politics. While the senior manager’s journey may pose the greatest challenge so far, it could also yield the greatest reward.

To successfully navigate complexities at this level it is crucial that senior managers take a strategic approach, build a long-term vision, and broaden their perspectives. However, they must also be mindful of finding the right balance between human-focus and delivering results. Both are crucial for success.

The leadership journey: Insights into effective leadership progression

Only 38% of leaders feel extremely or very prepared to move to the next level of leadership.

This executive summary uncovers the challenges and necessary changes for leaders to effectively progress, leveraging our extensive experience in leadership development.

It integrates perspectives from employees, leaders, and organisations to highlight critical mindsets and behaviours for transitioning to higher leadership roles.

We provide a snapshot of:

  • Leadership impact and effectiveness at each level
  • Key leadership traits by level
  • Leader transition challenges and readiness
  • Strategies for leader transition success and effectiveness
Download now
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