What is emotional intelligence?

9 March, 2022

Previously published by PSI Talent Management or Cubiks, prior to becoming Talogy.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is how somebody manages their personality to be both personally and interpersonally effective. Emotional Intelligence is not soft or difficult to define; EI is a psychobiological process that people experience, and it can be measured and developed.

Based on evidence we created a defining model of Emotional Intelligence‍‍ that provides an organising framework for understanding effective human behaviour. EI therefore directly relates to an individual’s effectiveness and performance at work.

Why is EI critical in the world of work?

Emotional intelligence unlocks potential | Emotional intelligence for business

Our Emotional Intelligence Profile‍‍ provides individuals with a developmental route map to unlock potential and translate it into effective performance. By identifying the underlying attitudes that underpin an individual’s thinking and feeling, we are able to help people make sustainable behavioural change.

Emotional Intelligence is not an optional extra for leaders

Over the last two decades, researchers have found EI to be a critical factor in distinguishing high performers and an important determinant of effective leadership and life success.

Our virtual Leading with Emotional Intelligence programme equips leaders with skills to help teams thrive.

We can go about our working lives ignoring our emotions, unaware of how we really are or what is driving our behaviour. Or, by choosing to develop our EI, we can identify patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving that are helpful and contribute to successful performance.

Our Leadership Development programs‍‍ deliver outstanding results, with studies showing an 18% improvement in Emotional Intelligence within just 3 months‍‍.

What is emotional intelligence about?

EI is about attitude

Neurological evidence shows that thoughts and feelings do not occur randomly. They are responses to a stimulus which has been perceived, interpreted, and filtered through one’s underlying attitudes. It is a person’s attitude that largely influences their feelings, thoughts, and in turn behaviours. Consequently, EI is fundamentally influenced by the attitudes you hold toward yourself and others

EI is about relationships

Emotions serve an important social and adaptive function. They increase our awareness of others, providing information on the perspective of others and an understanding of why others behave the way they do. Therefore, Emotional Intelligence refers to the capacity to adapt our behaviour within the social context.

EI is about awareness

Emotional Intelligence involves noticing, labelling, and interpreting our emotions and the emotions of others. Emotional Intelligence involves incorporating our feelings and intuition into our thinking; for example, approaching a difficult conversation at work.

EI is about practice

Like any skill, EI can be developed and it takes practice. Noticing and managing our attitudes, emotions and behaviour in a changing social context is a continual process. EI is reflected by what a person does now. EI is therefore described as a verb; it is about being emotionally intelligent.

EI is about self-management

EI is concerned with how people manage and get the best out of themselves and their innate resources. For example, deploying your full intellectual potential under pressure requires effective emotion regulation. In practical terms, EI can start with identifying and dismantling limiting beliefs or restrictive habits and replacing them with enhancing ones.

Leading in the future world of work

As the world of work continues to change, the role and attributes of leaders continues to be debated and reviewed.

What are the most important changes and opportunities brought on by Covid-19, resulting in the biggest global leadership challenge in decades?

Download our research report now and explore our insights into four critical leadership themes:

  • The impact of leadership on organisational performance
  • The impact of leadership on the employee experience
  • Lessons learned from leadership in the pandemic
  • Future of leadership – critical challenges and responses
Download Now