How can you recruit quickly but effectively?

25 August, 2022

Written by Alissa Parr, Ph.D., Senior Consultant
Previously published by PSI Talent Management or Cubiks, prior to becoming Talogy.

One of the challenges that companies may face is the attrition of candidates in the hiring process. Candidates may withdraw from the application process for multiple reasons, including disinterest in the company, another job offer, or feeling like the hiring process is unfair. All of these reasons can be a result of a lengthy hiring process. Candidates who are put in a ‘holding pattern’ in certain stages of the hiring process may get the impression that the company is not valuing them as a candidate, and, as a result, withdraw from the process.

Additionally, it’s a reality that candidates are seeking other job options and interviewing with several companies. Companies that are able to process candidates faster have the upper hand because they can make an offer to the candidate first. Overall, it makes sense to shorten the time it takes to complete the hiring process and in turn, maximising the efficiency of the hiring process.

When considering how to make the hiring process most efficient, one of the indicators we tend to focus on first is effectiveness. This is very important because it can make the difference between a good and bad hire. However, efficiency is also an important factor to consider in the selection process. Usually, there is a give-and-take between factors such as effectiveness and efficiency. It’s like speed and accuracy. If you increase your speed, your accuracy tends to decrease. However, this does not always have to be the case for effectiveness and efficiency in a hiring process. Below are a few tips to find the sweet spot that will leave you with an efficient and effective selection process.

Minimise the resources required during the initial stages of the process

The ultimate goal of any hiring system is to reduce a large pool of candidates to one or a few. Essentially, the system should be set up like a funnel with each step removing unqualified candidates. In the beginning stages when you have the most candidates with more variable skill levels, it’s best to use tools that are easy and cost-effective. For example, you may start out with an application that asks about the basic qualifications for the job. This simple step is an effective way to eliminate those not qualified for the position.

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Additionally, you can include a short screen-out assessment that will identify your most risky candidates. Eliminating these candidates in the early stages will allow you to spend more time on the candidates who are better qualified. This results in a lot of time and cost savings. The later stages are when it’s better to have more in-depth and resource-intensive tools (e.g., behavior-based interviews or in-depth assessments).

Automate the process

One of the best ways that you can make your hiring system more efficient is to utilise electronic applications and tools. When you’re using an electronic platform, scoring can be built into the system, so you automatically know whether the candidate passed or failed that step. This creates more standardisation, eliminates guesswork from the hiring team, and streamlines the process. Automating the process reduces the resources needed, especially at the beginning stages. For example, candidates could enter themselves into the system, fill out an initial electronic application, and then be invited to take a screen-out assessment automatically if they passed all the previous stages.

Use tools that are predictive of success for your target position

The final thing to mention is that you should never sacrifice quality over speed in the hiring process. Make sure that you go through all the necessary steps in a job analysis to identify the most critical knowledge, skills, and abilities for the target position. Then, select your tools that can accurately and reliably measure these competencies, for example, new modular assessment technology – a configurable approach that allows you to focus on the competencies that matter most for the role and removing irrelevant or redundant constructs. By spending a little more time on the front end, you can make sure that you are creating a system that is both effective and efficient.

A great way to do this is to consider a configurable assessment journey that allows you to focus on the things that matter most for the role , removing irrelevant or redundant constructs. New technology allows these modular assessments to be built to target hyper-specific competencies and takes your candidates through an enjoyable hiring process.

Making your system more efficient can have multiple benefits including:

By incorporating some of the tips above, you can ensure that you have an efficient, effective hiring process that will allow you to select and onboard the best candidates more quickly.

The ultimate formula for a successful hiring strategy

In today’s market, it’s critical to have an effective, fast, and fair hiring process.

Our guide interviews industry experts to explore the key pillars for developing a successful hiring strategy and addresses how businesses can get the balance right through implementing assessment solutions that bring together speed, engagement, longevity, and fairness.

Download our interview guide to understand what makes a brilliant hiring process. You will discover the importance of:

  • Focusing on the essentials
  • Using robust data
  • Evaluating the right fit
  • Measuring for potential
  • Providing equal opportunities for all
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