Fast and effective assessment to indicate future job performance.
Talk to a Talogy talent expert
Assess ability, predict performance
Understanding the aptitude of your current and potential employees means you can make informed decisions, save time, and improve performance. It’s easy to see why cognitive ability tests are key in talent assessment.
Logiks delivers an intuitive participant experience, with simple administration and instant analytics. The Logiks cognitive ability assessments are built on robust science, so you can be confident that your assessment of ability is fair, accurate, and reliable.
With Logiks you can:
Get accurate insight into an individual’s general, verbal, numerical, and abstract cognitive ability.
Focus on in-depth insight into one ability area.
Assess potential employees at all levels.
Quickly access results, easily producing individual and group reports.
Why Logiks
Gain insight:
Use science to accurately assess verbal, numerical, abstract, and general ability.
Assess worldwide:
Choose from various levels and a range of languages and norms.
Maintain integrity:
Protect against cheating with the Logiks item bank — making every assessment different from the last.
Minimize candidate time:
Save candidates’ time with rapid online tests.
Keep it simple:
Get easy administration and instant reporting with our versatile online assessment hub.
A user-first design ensures a positive candidate experience.
What you need to know about Logiks
Available in intermediate and advanced
12-25 minutes to complete
20-50 items to complete, depending on version
Available in over 15 languages
Accreditation required
Measures general ability or specific abilities (verbal, numerical, abstract)
Big picture thinking
We can help you solve your talent challenges through our unique blend of psychology, technology, and expertise. Talk to us today about how we can partner with you to build brilliant talent solutions.
To start using Logiks in your talent management process, talk to a Talogy talent expert today.