Are you underestimating the importance of employee engagement?

27 August, 2024

Written by Vicki Bauer, Content Marketing Manager

Did you know that the average person spends approximately 90,000 hours of their life working? That’s a lot of time devoted to one activity. And while that paycheck every few weeks is an obvious perk, there is much more that factors into an employee’s job satisfaction than money alone. Employees need to feel motivated to come to work and appreciated to stay. That’s why it’s becoming increasingly more important to ensure you’re focusing on the importance of employee engagement to retain top talent.

Ask any hiring manager or HR department and they will tell you just how difficult and resource-intensive it can be to replace an employee who leaves the organisation. The key is to listen to your employees proactively, not when they’re on their way out the door.

Why is employee engagement important?

Studies have shown over the years that undertaking initiatives with a focus on improving employer-employee relationships can impact all aspects of business. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has extensive information on the definition of employee engagement as well as studies proving its impact and effectiveness. While some results are more obvious than others, the upside of these efforts far outweighs any potential upfront or ongoing investment. A few examples of the ROI can include:

  • Increased loyalty which leads to employee retention and lower turnover
  • Boosted productivity
  • Higher customer satisfaction
  • Reduction in safety incidents

How do I prioritise employee engagement?

So, when making a case for why employee engagement is important, where should you begin? Initial steps can be quite simple, like communicating the initiative and why you’re implementing it. Explain that it is aimed at ensuring that employees have their opinions heard. Some additional actions to consider taking include:

  • Take the temperature of your workforce
    It’s important that employees feel that their opinions are valued and truly considered by the organisation. Distributing a survey to evaluate preferences is a great way to show you’re committed to the importance of employee engagement. Collect and aggregate this information in one place that is easy for stakeholders to digest. To ensure that you’re collecting honest opinions, gather the information anonymously.Better yet, implement a process where input can be provided at any point, not only when the company is actively soliciting feedback. This promotes a reciprocal dialogue and empowers your employees to express their honest opinion in real time – not just when the organisation deems appropriate.
  • After collecting this feedback, be transparent with the results
    While taking that initial step to solicit feedback will generate some goodwill in your workforce, it will feel disingenuous if you don’t take action afterward. Follow-through is critical. Compile the information provided, see what is working well, and note the areas for improvement. Then use this data to formulate a strategy for how your organisation will utilise it to guide decision-making for the future. And lastly, make the final product accessible. By sharing the feedback – both positive and constructive – you’ll enhance your credibility and the trust between employer and employees.
  • Show constant appreciation
    While your workforce knows that they were hired to do a job, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take the opportunity to recognise them for a job well done. This can be as simple as sending a quick note acknowledging their hard work and thanking them for their dedication to the company’s mission. It can also be done in a more public way such as a blurb in a newsletter or a shoutout in a company meeting.You could also consider implementing an employee-based merit program to encourage your workforce to nominate their peers for recognition. If an employee receives a certain number of nominations, consider offering rewards such as company-branded attire or lunch of their choice.

    Don’t forget about announcing those work milestones and anniversaries as well. Whether with the company for one year or 35 years, creating a culture that exudes gratitude for loyalty will prove that employee engagement is important to your organisation.

The power of employee engagement

While it may sound cliché, it’s the truth: Your employees are the most important asset of your business. In today’s economy, they hold quite a bit of power as companies are tripping over one another to land those quality hires. Why employee engagement is important to an organisation can be for many reasons, but so much is dependent on a commitment to developing a stronger relationship built on action and trust. Ask for their opinions, implement their suggestions, and habitually thank them for their contributions. Your business will be better for it in the end.

Great leaders: what do they do differently?

We all know that having great leaders is critical for success for most organisations.

However, less clear are the behaviours great leaders engage in that others do not. We designed a research program around shedding insights into this issue. In order to answer this question we used our proprietary executive assessment process to assess current leaders. Then we gathered outcome information (e.g., promotions, salary increases, behaviours) so we could see the correlations between assessments scores, job outcomes, and leader behaviour.

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  • How do we know who the great leaders are?
  • What do great leaders do differently?
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